Thank you so much for all the support, we wish you a good luck You are one of the best teachers for me and I respect you so much
You deserve all the words of thanks, thank you very much I would like to express my thanks and appreciation for your great effort

11 نموذج كلمة شكر للمعلم من ولي الامر او التلاميذ او الموظفين قصيرة


رسالة شكر للمعلمة... عبارات شكر للمعلمات المتميزات 2021
You are a very respectable person, and I consider you like my brother
رسالة شكر للمعلمة... عبارات شكر للمعلمات المتميزات 2021
we have decided to to write this letter as an appreciation of your hard work
رسالة شكر لمعلمة
You have made a great effort for my sake, thank your
All the words of thanks can not describe my feelings I will not forget what you did for me, thank you very much
You have all my respect and appreciation, thank you we have learned many things from you in the class, and you were very helpful for us

اجمل عبارات شكر للمعلمين والمعلمات .. رسالة شكر وتقدير ⋆ بالعربي نتعلم

Thank you for everything you have given me.

رسالة شكر للمعلمة
Thank you so much for being my teacher
11 نموذج كلمة شكر للمعلم من ولي الامر او التلاميذ او الموظفين قصيرة
You deserve everything good, thank you for helping me
شكر وتقدير للاستاذة
I appreciate your time and I hope the best for you