Odd one out: flu Fever sneeze pharmacy House Clinic Hospital Pharmacy Eye Mouth Leg Ear Football Tennis Tenis Swimming Healthy Think There Breath 4 That means when Palestinians have complete freedom, they can sell and buy 1
Then, we arrived to sea Correct the mistake s in the followings 1- When I see Ahmed, he was drinking juice

اختبار ايلتس تجريبي اون لاين مجانا (افضل الاختبارات على الانترنت)

3- I studied — study — have studied — am studying English yesterday.

اختبار Step تجريبي قياس
The sun is in my eyes
اختبار كفايات اللغة الانجليزية STEP
In the forest, we saw different animals and birds
اختبار قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية
3- Global Positioning System: ……………… 4- The drivers use GPS to identify their ……………… 5- Could you ……………… the distance between Cairo and Alexandria? Correct the mistakes: 1- I buy a new car yesterday
2- Mahmoud is the most talented student in the class A room is where food is prepared and ,,,,,d called ……………… 2
Besides, Palestinians have no special services Choose the correct answer: 1- The place where we go to pray library — house — mosque — school 2- I always borrow books from house — laboratory — library — bookshop 3- I buy books from bookshops — library — lab — home 4- My father deposit put his money in library — bank — information centre — police station 5- A building or office where you buy stamps supermarket — police station — post office 6- The places where Christians go to pray school — book — mosque — church 5

اختبار ايلتس تجريبي اون لاين مجانا (افضل الاختبارات على الانترنت)

Secondly, the houses were safe places for invaluable things as gold and jewelry.

اختبار آيلتس تجريبي مجاني
I always wash myself in ……………… 8
نماذج اختبار انجليزي للصف التاسع
Complete the following sentences with words and phrases below: Rural — all day long — crowded— remove— cable - smoke 1- Gaza is full of people, it is ……………… 2- The opposite of urban: ……………… 3- ……………… comes under the door, that mean that a fire in the next room
قم بتقييم مستوى الإنجليزية خاصتك