If you are interested in MAC addresses, we have a set of articles on the subject, so make sure to check it out In this case, the API answered with 3 known vendors : , and
In the broadcast address would be FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF If it is 1, the address is locally administered

MAC Address Lookup Tool

After typing all MAC Addresses you need, click the 'Ok' button to view the details of all MAC records that you asked.

MAC Address Lookup/Find Tool for Windows
This type of transmission is called
MAC Address Lookup
The project has an open source alternative, the Common Address Redundancy Protocol
MAC Address Lookup/Find Tool for Windows
An IAB is ideal for organizations requiring fewer than 4097 unique 48-bit numbers EUI-48
Individual address block An is a 24-bit managed by the IEEE Registration Authority, followed by 12 IEEE-provided bits identifying the organization , and 12 bits for the owner to assign to individual devices Using the search bar, you can look for a OUI and find all vendors associated with the information you provided
Select Network and choose either AirPort or Built-in Ethernet, depending on how you access your network It thus forms the basis of most of the OSI networking upon which upper layer protocols rely to produce complex, functioning networks

MAC Address Lookup/Find Tool for Windows

What is a MAC Address? They careful explain how you can find your MAC address on various operating systems or using different tools such as Wireshark.

12 Ways to Find the MAC Address of Your Computer
If you are have been working as a network professional, you are probably very interested in finding the best MAC address lookup tools available
MAC Address and OUI Lookup for
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
MAC Address Lookup Tool
Mac Address Usage in hosts Although intended to be a permanent and globally unique identification, it is possible to change the MAC address on most modern hardware