Our Verdict The Glorious Model O is only decent for office use | If you place an order now you can expect your order to ship as soon as inventory comes in stock, estimated January 2021 |
Comparatively, the ASUS has Bluetooth support, which the Glorious lacks | It has a honeycomb-patterned body that makes it very lightweight, and its cable and feet are much better than the Razer |
It's ideal for all grip types but best suited for smaller hands.
It also feels very well-built, which can be an issue sometimes with this kind of mouse, and it has one of the best cables we've tested | |
It's just as light as the Glorious, and it has more programmable inputs because it lets you reprogram the wheel's up and down scroll | It's also fully compatible with macOS |
I got a replacement mouse from Amazon and the scroll wheel was broken this time.