van Holde and Mathews, pp - Home Page for Learning Environmental Chemistry
"Medicinal chemistry based on the sugar code: fundamentals of lectinology and experimental strategies with lectins as targets" "Overview of structural genomics: from structure to function"

ما هو الوقت المناسب لتناول البروتينات الضرورية لنمو الجسم؟

, also called "Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics" and previously "Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics" 1986-1995.

البروتينات: ما هي الأنواع الأفضل للجسم؟
"From 'protein' to the beginnings of clinical proteomics"
ما هي البروتينات ؟ نظرة عامة على البروتين
Canine and Feline Nutrition-E-Book: A Resource for Companion Animal Professionals
ما هي البروتينات
"In silico folding of a three helix protein and characterization of its free-energy landscape in an all-atom force field"
"Protein semisynthesis and expressed protein ligation: chasing a protein's tail" Beck M, Schmidt A, Malmstroem J, Claassen M, Ori A, Szymborska A, Herzog F, Rinner O, Ellenberg J, Aebersold R November 2011
128 12 Suppl : 2783S—2789S "Prediction and functional analysis of native disorder in proteins from the three kingdoms of life"

مسحوق البروتين: أهم المعلومات والتفاصيل

Some factors in the interpretation of protein denaturation.

ما هو تحليل البروتين في الدم
"Protein-folding dynamics: overview of molecular simulation techniques"
ما هو البروتين
Current Opinion in Structural Biology
ماذا يفعل نقص البروتين في الجسم
"Current two-dimensional electrophoresis technology for proteomics"