2- used also treats acute gout pain, non-articular rheumatism, painful symptoms of the spine and cases of pain or gynecological infections Novartis Page 3  If you have gastrointestinal bleeding or perforation, symptoms of which may include blood in your stools or black stools
For adults, the recommended dose to start the treatment is generally 100 to 150 mg daily to be taken in 2 to 3 doses level of transaminases increased , skin rash

الآثار الجانبية كتافاست Catafast مسكن للالام والجرعة اللازمة

The initial dose is 50 mg.

بانادول أكتيفاست
ACTIVE-INGREDIENT Catafast powder for oral solution is diclofenac potassium Each sachet contains a homogeneous, white to light yellow powder
كتافاست Catafast أسرع مُسكن ماهي الجرعات المناسبه وهل له اثار جانبيه؟
Catafast Dental: used in case of pain and inflammation in the teeth and gums, but it is not used to treat the main cause of this pain or inflammation
Catafast sparkling for the turn: It is used to reduce menstrual pain and the dose is from 2 to 3 sachets per day or as needed
 If you suffer from severe kidney or liver disease It is one of the most famous types of analgesics and medicines that treat inflammation and rheumatism
You should tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding As with other anti-inflammatory medicines, you must not take Catafast during the last 3 months of pregnancy, as it could harm your unborn child or cause problems at delivery

كتافاست فوار، catafast

In milder cases, 50 to 100 mg daily are usually sufficient to be taken in 1 to 2 doses.

سعر ومواصفات كتافاست 50 مجم 9 اكياس من sidalih فى السعودية
This may be repeated at intervals of 4 to 6 hours, but you should not take more than 200 mg per day
كتافاست للصداع Catafast ومسكن للآلام
Store in the original package, in order to protect from moisture
بانادول أكتيفاست
Do not exceed 150 mg per day Pregnancy and breast-feeding You should tell your doctor if you are pregnant or think that you may be pregnant