Usually the note is the thing And I shan't recover this time
And so I want you to be happy for me, that this is better for me You have been in every way all that anyone could be

Suicide Note Quotes (34 quotes)

It is the note and not the life that is cancelled out.

صور ورد ليلكي
You have given me the greatest possible happiness
اللون الليلكي يسيطر على منصات عروض الأزياء لخريف وشتاء 2020
The idea of being dead makes me feel clear
Suicide Note Quotes (34 quotes)
I know you loved me
So I doubt anyone paid much attention to Adrian's argument, with its references to philosophers ancient and modern, about the superiority of the intervening act over the unworthy passivity of merely letting life happen to you I know when you think about how I went, you'll get it
When I think of it What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you

صور ورد ليلكي

You complete it, and then resume your time travel.

ليلكي (لون)
That's above and beyond everything else, and it's not a mental complaint-it's a physical thing, like it's physically hard to open your mouth and make the words come out
في اللون الزهري كل معاني الراحة والهدوء والاسترخاء
صنع اللون البنفسجي
But I didn't love you like you loved me