Mankind has begun to use many different kinds of technology innovation, since the stone use, two million years ago, until the car invention more than hundred years 1969 A Special Supplement: Technology: The Opiate of the Intellectuals
Regardless of the debate about the positive or negative technology effects, some scientists argue that technology use has given mankind superiority over the animal, because it has assisted them to control their environment, and change their way of life continuously 1969 Some General Implication of the Research of the Harvard University Program on Technology and Society

كتاب 500 كلمة من أكثر المفردات الإنجليزية شيوعاً واستخداماً د. فهد الغفيلي

1969 Comment: The Role of Technology in Society and the Need for Historical Perspective.

Ibrahim F Al Ghofaily
Technology and Culture, 51 1 : 199-215 Dupree, A
كتب فهد بن محمد الغفيلي
However, this complicated argument does not change either party that much, because each side seems to defend his idea blindly as McDermott 1967 says, technology is the opiate of the intellectuals
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Fahd Alghofaili References Cowan, R
Cowan, 2010 The misuse of technology which was the cause of two world war, the biological weapons, environment harmfulness, and many other negative things have led some people to rethink about technology and look at it in a skeptical way Marx, 1997 This point considerably noticeable and could support effectively the positive thought toward technology
Recently people have started to argue about its bad and good effect Cowan 2010 mentioned that her students who are surrounded by technological life will neither eliminate their cars, nor the rest of their technological things for incorrect ideological argument

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2013 Academic Skills Guide B1 atom EAP1.

Ibrahim F Al Ghofaily
This Argument may be more effective and acceptable, if it is deprived of ideology, and relies on facts and logical evidences
The Technology Effect
Marx, 1987 Some scientists have said that some innovations that were used at first for military purposes were adapted for a civilian use such as internet can be a positive and a sign of social progress
The Technology Effect
That effect is considered as two sides come together, one is useful for the humanity, and the other is harmful