Abstract This study aimed at assessing the effect of gum arabic Acacia senegal oral treatment on the bolic profile of chronic renal failure CRF patients By the end of the 3 months of treatment, serum urea levels significantly decreased by 31
Serum phosphorus levels significantly decreased by 22 From this study, we conclude that oral administration of gum arabic could conceivably alleviate adverse effects of CRF

فوائد الصمغ العربي للكلى وعلاج مشاكلها

Each of the above treatments was continued for three consecutive months.

الصمغ العربي للكلى وفوائده وجرعته ومدة استخدامه لعلاج الكلي
Source Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan
فوائد الصمغ للكلى وكيفية العلاج بالصمغ الهشاب
Bukhamsin, and others 14-5-2017 , , International Journal of Nephrology, Folder 2017, Page 6
تجربتي مع الصمغ العربي للكلى
Biochemical parameters measured were: serum urea, serum creatinine, serum uric acid, serum calcium and serum phosphorus
The effects of gum arabic oral treatment on the bolic profile of chronic renal failure patients under regular haemodialysis in Central Sudan
Quote: Display Settings:AbstractSend to: Nat Prod Res 2008 Jan 10;22 1 :12-21

فوائد الصمغ العربي للكلى

A total of 36 CRF patients under regular haemodialysis and 10 normal subjects participated in this study.

الصمغ العربي وفوائده العديدة خاصة للكلى
Ali AA, Ali KE, Fadlalla AE, Khalid KE
فوائد الصمغ العربي وأضراره
Serum creatinine levels significantly decreased in the groups of gum users A, B and D by 9
فوائد الصمغ العربي وأضراره
05 in serum uric acid levels by 14 and 19
Umbach, Rexhep Rexhepaj, and others 3-4-2012 , , Kidney Blood Pressure Research , Folder 35, Page 365-372 001 from baseline and control group for groups A and B
Serum calcium levels increased by 12 Blood samples were collected from each subject before treatment and twice per month "pre-dialysis" for 3 months

علاج الفشل الكلوي بالصمغ العربي: حقيقة أم خرافة قد تضرك؟


أنا و د. نجاة والصمغ العربي .. تجربتي الشخصية التي حيرت الأطباء في قطر
الصمغ العربي وفوائده العديدة خاصة للكلى
علاج الفشل الكلوي بالصمغ العربي: حقيقة أم خرافة قد تضرك؟