But actually as long as you reach the required high temperature throughout the food you could warm it up as many times as you wish Hopefully this answers another question: What is the recommended temperature when reheating food in England? Prawns that were cooked before you got them, can be eaten either hot or cold
If you are pre-cooking hard boiled eggs, then you should refrigerate them within 2 hours The danger when heating food is that as the food warms up any bacteria present start multiplying

عند مرور تيار كهربائي في مقاومة فإنه يسخن بسبب

Ensure they are piping hot before serving and only warm up once.

Can You Reheat Rice
Food poisoning is normally caused by bacterial contamination
مقاومة وموصلية كهربائية
So, it is not warming up cooked rice that causes the problem
Can You Reheat Rice
If the rice is then left at room temperature in the danger zone then these hatched bacteria start multiplying
Consume cooked rice soon after preparing Then store in a fridge and consume within 3 - 4 days
Just 500 Campylobacter can make you very sick whereas it takes many thousands of the more well known, salmonella bacteria to make you ill The texture and flavour may not be so good though!

مقاومة وموصلية كهربائية

Place in a microwaveable container with a lid.

التعدين الكهربائي
As cooked rice cools down and enters the the Bacillus cereus spores start hatching
عند مرور تيار كهربائي في مقاومة فإنه يسخن بسبب
Rice is sometimes contaminated by a bacterium called Bacillus cereus, which can cause food poisoning
مقاومة وموصلية كهربائية
Place the rice straight from the fridge into a saucepan with 1—2 tablespoons of butter or oil