; Apostol, Colleen; Martinez, Kathryn A Center to Advance Palliative Care and the National Palliative Care Research Center
"Care of patients suffering from terminal illness at St Joseph's Hospice, Hackney, London" Interaction of palliative care and primary care

رعاية تلطيفية

"The Measurement of Symptoms in Children with Cancer".

العلاج التلطيفي: ما هو، وما أهدافه؟
"Symptoms Affecting Children With Malignancies During the Last Month of Life: A Nationwide Follow-up"
رعاية تلطيفية
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
العلاج التلطيفي: ما هو، وما أهدافه؟
Caresearch: Palliative care knowledge network
Gomes, Barbara; Calanzani, Natalia; Curiale, Vito; McCrone, Paul; Higginson, Irene J National consensus project for quality palliative care
; Seid, Michael; Kurtin, Paul S "Impact of Interdisciplinary Outpatient Specialty Palliative Care on Survival and Quality of Life in Adults With Advanced Cancer: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials"

العلاج التلطيفي: ما هو، وما أهدافه؟

Hilton, Tony; Orr, Robert D.

ماذا تعرف عن العلاج التلطيفي؟
American Association of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
العلاج التلطيفي: ما هو، وما أهدافه؟
Psychiatric and ethical aspects of care at the end of life
سرطان الحلق والبلعوم الأنفي
"Pediatric Cancer Quality of Life Inventory"